Hans Zimmer – Interstellar(电影《星际穿越》原声)

Hans Zimmer – Interstellar (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Version] (星际穿越OST)

Hans Zimmer - Interstellar (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Version] (星际穿越OTS)
Hans Zimmer – Interstellar (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) [Deluxe Version] (星际穿越OST)


《Interstellar :星际穿越》这张电影原声可谓近几年来的巅峰之作,由Hans Zimmer花了2年打造。同时也是与Christopher Nolan导演完美的合作。画面与配乐完美的融合,俩者到达了却一不可的境界。

此回独挑大樑的《Interstellar :星际穿越》,融合电子声效和传统交响乐,企图营造科技感的氛围,同时揭开外太空浩瀚无垠的神秘面纱。伴随丰富的器乐交相演奏,点出剧中要角个性,指引重要的桥段高潮,无论是细腻情感层面、内心世界的複杂刻划,还有大规模的史诗场景,搭配极具深度与张力的编曲,震摄人心的过瘾节奏,交出一张傲人的绝对发烧配乐天碟!


01. Dreaming of the Crash (3:55)
02. Cornfield Chase (2:06)
03. Dust (5:41)
04. Day One (3:19)
05. Stay (6:52)
06. Message From Home (1:40)
07. The Wormhole (1:30)
08. Mountains (3:39)
09. Afraid of Time (2:32)
10. A Place Among the Stars (3:27).
11. Running Out (1:57)
12. I’m Going Home (5:48)
13. Coward (8:26)
14. Detach (6:42)
15. S.T.A.Y. (6:23)
16. Where We’re Going (7:41)
17. First Step (1:47)
18. Flying Drone (1:53)
19. Atmospheric Entry (1:40)
20. No Need To Come Back (4:32)
21. Imperfect Lock (6:54)
21. No Time for Caution
23. What Happens Now? (2:26)
24. Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night – Various Artists (1:39)




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