最昂贵的音乐会 Gala Stradivarius Concert

最昂贵的音乐会 Gala Stradivarius Concert

最昂贵的音乐会 Gala Stradivarius Concert
最昂贵的音乐会 Gala Stradivarius Concert


公司:Start Records Ltd

  史无前例、空前绝后,十三把史特拉底瓦里名琴共聚一堂齐声演奏,美到无与伦比的经典弦乐录音,再度以完整版双 LP形式问世!
  音响论坛「文心凋乐」专文推荐:“这张专辑是人间至宝!”意大利提琴製作大师 Antonio Stadivari 逝世 250 年週年纪念,香港 CD 圣经推荐的顶级弦乐示范片!英国 Abbey Road 录音室重新混音,采用原始母带重製,以最高品质的 180克处女黑胶压片,音质效果臻于完美境界!
  「最昂贵的音乐会」是一场 1987 年 12 月 1 日为了纪念意大利提琴製作大师Antonio Stadivari 逝世 250 年週年而举行的音乐会现场实况,由皇家音乐学院赞助,20世纪最伟大的天才小提琴家曼纽因率领英国室内乐团共同演出。这场音乐会能够顺利演出要感谢敦伦的收藏家 Peter Biddulph,他同时也是皇家音乐学院的会员,他提议集合史特拉瓦底名琴来举办一场音乐会以纪念 Antonio Stadivari,成就这一场难得的「最昂贵的音乐会]
  这场音乐会一共出动了十三把史特拉瓦底名琴,包括一把中提琴与一把大提琴,伟瓦第的「四季」中,春的乐章由Manoug Parikian 拉奏 1720 年的名琴,夏的乐章由 Maurice Hasson 主奏,秋的乐章是由 Jose-Luis Garcia 演奏,冬的乐章由 Daniel Phillips拉奏,每一段乐曲都以不同的史特拉瓦底名琴演奏,油光水嫩,弥漫着让人听出耳油的松香味。原始的版本收录在两张一套的LP 中,CD版本因为时间不够,只收录了「四季」、舒伯特的「慢板与轮旋曲」及海顿的「大提琴协奏曲」,现在完整版的双 LP版本重现江湖,当然是不可错过的珍藏首选!

“The most expensive concert” also known as “famous piano dinner”
Unprecedented and unprecedented, 13 famous Stradivarius harps have come together to perform in concert. The incomparable classical string music recording is once again released in the form of full version double LP!
Audio forum “wenxinweile” special article recommended: “this album is the world’s treasure!” The 250th anniversary of the death of Italian violin maker Antonio stadivari, the top string demonstration film recommended by Hong Kong CD Bible! Abbey Road recording studio remixes the sound with the original master tape and the highest quality virgin black glue. The sound quality is perfect!
“The most expensive concert” is a live concert held on December 1, 1987 to commemorate the 250th anniversary of the death of Italian violinist Antonio stadivari. Sponsored by the Royal Conservatory of music, Manuel, the greatest talented violinist of the 20th century, led the British Chamber Orchestra. Thanks to dunlon’s collector Peter Biddulph, who is also a member of the Royal Conservatory of music, he proposed to hold a concert in memory of Antonio stadivari and achieve this rare “most expensive concert”
In the four seasons of Vivaldi, the movement of spring was played by manoug parikian, the movement of summer was performed by Maurice Hasson, the movement of autumn was performed by Jose Luis Garcia, and the movement of winter was by Daniel Each piece of music is played with a different stravaldy instrument. It is glossy and tender, and it is filled with the pine fragrance of ear oil. The original version is included in a set of two LP. Due to the lack of time, the CD version only includes “four seasons”, Schubert’s “Adagio and rota” and Haydn’s “Cello Concerto”. Now the full version of the double LP Version reappears in the world. Of course, it’s a treasure trove!


  1. Side A
  2. J. S. Bach: Concerto for two in d minor
  3. C. P. E. Bach: Cello Concerto in A major
  4. Side B
  5. Franz Schubert: Adagio and Rondo in A major
  6. Joseph Haydn: Cello Concerto in C major
  7. Side C
  8. Antonio Vivaldi: The Four Seasons
  9. Spring
  10. Summer
  11. Side D
  12. Autumn
  13. Winter




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