Yaron Herman – Alma

Yaron Herman – Alma (2022) [Hi-Res]

Quality:24bit-88.2kHz FLAC (tracks)
Year Of Release:2022
Total Time:59:54
Total Size: 917 MB

阿尔玛为钢琴家雅伦·赫尔曼打开了一扇全新的大门。在十张专辑之后,他来到了这里,将自己置身于虚空之中,并首次为我们提供了一套完全即兴创作的作品,同时也是他现在的惊人快照和他过去的丰富镜像。让我们回顾一下,膝盖受伤迫使赫尔曼结束了一个充满希望的篮球生涯。从16岁起,他就献身于音乐。在Opher Brayer的指导下,他的训练鼓励他采取一种整体观,即音乐研究是包括哲学、心理学和数学在内的整体的一部分。因此,对他来说,钢琴是一种更具全球性思考的中心;它是一个帮助破解世界奥秘的旅行伴侣。在他最近出版的名为《老生常谈》的书中,这条创造性、多产性和非传统的道路是吸引人和慷慨的全球反思的框架。我们有时会忘记,在音乐诞生之初,直到16世纪末,即兴演奏一直是练习的核心。后来,从巴赫到肖邦,从贝多芬到梅西昂,作曲家们都在现场创作了旋律,发明了和声,这有时成为了他们杰作的母体。这是赫尔曼穿过录音室门录制《阿尔玛》时所走的路。在没有任何计划的剧本的情况下,他将自己推向了一种放手的边缘,聆听音乐的诉说,打开通向未知空间的大门。

Working for over 30 years in such varied styles as Doom Metal, Electronica, Jazz, Ambient and Drone, this mesmerizing new work is Köhnen’s devilish counterpart to the operatic chamber jazz-noir of 2021’s “In Memoriam” and the aural embodiment of his research into philosophy, antiquity, mythology and hermeticism.

In the words of the composer: “”Miserere” is a musical submergence into songs of repentance. Inspired by Psalm 51, one of the penitential psalms most widely known from 17th century Italian composer Gregorio Allegri.

This new adaptation of “Miserere” wanders into the darkest corners of the human soul: Doomjazz mercilessly mixed with the ambience of Black Metal, Gregorian soprano singing juxtaposed with unholy cavernous screams. “Miserere” aims to find the darkest parts of the spirit. Repentance, penitence, grief, mourning and humiliation. The first ever recorded Doomjazz Blackmass”

1. Forever Unfolding (4:12)
2. Cards (2:24)
3. Rituel (3:10)
4. Magnolia (3:21)
5. Little Melody (3:43)
6. Tone Field (3:16)
7. Here and Now (3:00)
8. Ode to Nearness (5:12)
9. Round Blue (2:09)
10. Silver Lining (2:46)
11. All the Things You Are (1:33)
12. Yesh Li Sikuy (4:45)
13. Playground (2:15)
14. Après un rêve (7:41)
15. How Dares a Star (4:16)
16. Rebirth (3:00)
17. Song Without Words (3:21)



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